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Tags: Human Nature

Alumnus, advisory board member, great friend of the Franklin College and NASA administrator Roger Hunter discusses the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing and the future of space exploration: Hunter was project manager for NASA’s Kepler mission, which used a space telescope to discover Earth-like planets orbiting other stars in the Milky Way galaxy. He currently serves as program manager for NASA’s Small Spacecraft…
New UGA professor and department head of philosophy Aaron Meskin arrived on campus this summer from Leeds University. Meskin co-authored a new book, OPPOSITE: POEMS, PHILOSOPHY & COFFEE, an experiment in philosophy and poetry he explained in a recent article: The British poet, Helen Mort, and I recently explored a novel way in which poetry and philosophy might be in dialogue. We put together a book, Opposite: Poems, Philosophy…
Franklin double-major (psychology/biology) Lindsey Leonard’s passion is helping others to be both physically and mentally healthy. Her work with UGA Miracle has given her the chance to see how dedicated health care professionals can have a positive impact on the lives of others: I have realized over the last three years how amazing the faculty is at UGA and how dedicated they are to our professional betterment both in undergraduate and…
During the summer of 2019, Franklin College administrators met as a book group to enhance leadership skills while learning more about the experience of dominant and marginalized groups. The book group, which concluded a month of weekly meetings on July 16, consisted of 14 members including Franklin College dean Alan Dorsey, associate deans, directors and department heads from the college. The group read and discussed Why are all the Black kids…
The argument of depth vs. breadth extends to all disciplines, including the most important one. A number of provocative ideas underscored in this article supporting the concept of 'Generalists' invite implicit support of the liberal arts learning environment, the time necessary on major college campus to discover and learn. The author utilizes easily graspable examples from the world of sports - the differing paths…
The university is celebrating the 'one giant step for mankind' that took place in July 1969, including the current "Moon Rocks!" exhibition at the Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Library curated by Sarah Anderson, UGA graduate student in history: Anderson curated “Moon Rocks!,” an exhibition hosted by UGA’s Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies to mark the 50th anniversary of…
Military historian and professor of history John H. Morrow, Jr. is the 13th recipient of the Pritzker Military Museum & Library Literature Award for Lifetime Achievement in Military Writing:   The Pritzker Literature Award—which includes a gold medallion, citation, and $100,000 honorarium—recognizes and honors the contributions of a living author for a body of work dedicated to enriching the understanding of military…
Sociology doctoral student Timothy Edgemon co-authored "Inmate Mental Health and the Pains of Imprisonment," a paper discussing the large majority suffering from poor mental health among the 2 million people currently incarcerated in the United States. He spoke about the paper with public radio station WRVO in New York: Prison isn't supposed to be a fun place. It's meant to be depriving. It's…
Even during the quiet days of June, Franklin College faculty expertise never sleeps! Here are a few of the many articles written by or featuring the work of faculty members from across the college over the past month:   Meteorologists fear 5G network could take forecasting back to the 1980s, Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Sciences and Geography Marshall Shepherd speaking on CBS This…
Malcolm Mitchell (A.B. '15), Athens cardiologist Catherine Marti (B.S. '02), and gold-medal winning Olympic swimmer Allison Schmitt (B.S. '14) lead the Franklin College contingent of the 2019 UGA 40 Under 40: The University of Georgia Alumni Association has unveiled the 40 Under 40 Class of 2019. This program celebrates the personal, professional and philanthropic achievements of successful UGA graduates under the…
Associate professor of art history and 2019 Meigs Teaching Professor Shelley Zuraw makes her expertise in Renaissance and Baroque art resonate with today's students: “My field is shifting, and I need to prepare my students, not for the Renaissance art I was trained in, but for the way it is now,” she said. Perhaps more importantly, she makes it come alive and turns art history into “a subject that one does not rehearse,…
A rising senior majoring in English and comparative literature, LeBria Casher is part of over 115 mentor pairs in the successful pilot of the program launched this spring: LeBria’s mentor was Allison Ausband (ABJ ’83), who graduated with a journalism degree, serves on the UGA Board of Trustees and is the senior vice president of in-flight service at Delta Air Lines. LeBria shared a little about her experience…
Also known as Juneteenth Independence Day or Freedom Day, the holiday commemorates the June 19, 1865, announcement of the abolition of slavery in the state of Texas, and more generally the emancipation of enslaved African Americans throughout the former confederacy. Though President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862, with an…
UGA launched its first comprehensive mentorship initiative, the UGA Mentor Program, on June 12. Alumni, including faculty and staff, who are interested in participating can create a profile at The site will open for student sign-ups in August: The UGA Mentor Program offered a pilot program in January 2019 to 115 pairs of alumni and students. Of the students who participated, 93% said they gained an appreciation for…
University of Georgia faculty member Rachel Roberts-Galbraith has received the 2019 McKnight Scholar Award, which recognizes scientists in the early stages of their careers working in the field of neuroscience. An assistant professor of cellular biology in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, Roberts-Galbraith is the first UGA faculty member to receive the award.  “Dr. Roberts-Galbraith’s studies are a unique combination of…
UGA's Public History Summer Internship Program in Washington, D.C., is currently underway.  Public history is the work that historians do outside of the university to bring history to a wider audience. This can take place in many different settings but includes historic sites, museums, archives, libraries, parks, and monuments. Associate professor of history and director of the summer program Akela Reason shares this update: The…
The UGA Graduate School magazine profiles alumni Jessie Johnson, who received an MA in Sociology (2005) and Matthew Schneider, who earned a Ph.D. in Philosophy (2010), intrepid adventurers who share a mindful approach to living: Johnson and Schneider have no permanent address, no “home” per se, but live on the road and camp in public campgrounds or sometimes on private land. They are one of four pairs of Leave No Trace…
Five years ago, Cecilia Sánchez and Anya Brown, ecology doctoral candidates at the time, founded the Women in Science in service of creating a community where they could connect with peers and mentors. Open to anyone (including men) interested in pursuing equality and diversity in science, WiSci has grown to incorporate undergraduate students and an outreach program as well as all STEM disciplines: The organization hosts several events…
The Franklin College held our annual Staff Appreciation Reception and Awards ceremony on May 14 in the North Rotunda of the Miller Learning Center. The event is always a great occasion just after the Spring semester to social and recognize our colleagues for their excellent work. The college recognizes staff who have reached milestones in years of service at 10, 15, 20, 25 and this year we celebrated James Griffith, a research professional who…
The University of Georgia Press created an endowment to fund a publishing apprenticeship program for students from the history department graduate program. The Peggy Heard Galis History Ph.D. Apprenticeship will allow history Ph.D. candidates to gain insight into and experience in the scholarly publishing process: The Peggy Heard Galis apprentices will be Ph.D. students in the UGA history department. The apprentices will receive…
One key to improving undergraduate education and student achievement across the STEM disciplines, as well as more broadly across the campus, is the integration of evidence-based teaching strategies – using what works most effectively for student learning. Now, a University of Georgia faculty member will lead a five-year, national scale research and education project to better understand and support the use of evidence-based teaching in…
Shaza Mehdi tried diagnosing blighted flowers by Googling images of plant diseases and comparing those images with the sick roses, sparking an idea that led her to come up with PlantMD — a smartphone app that can diagnose a plant disease with the snap of a photo: After three months of researching, coding and getting some help from her high school teachers, Mehdi launched the app. “PlantMD works when you take a picture of a…
The sky seems indecisive the morning of May 10, 2019. The families, the graduating students, the faculty and staff of the Franklin College and the University of Georgia are not. It is a great day. It is graduation day - all the work, all the hope, tears and toil, sweat, friends, relief, awards, disappointment, anxiety, triumph. All of it has been for this. Our graduates (and their supportive network of family and friends) have done it! They…
Just one week from today, double-major dual degree graduate and Redcoat Marching Band drum major Joshua Clifford’s journey through UGA will culminate as this spring’s student Commencement speaker: Because of the Redcoat Marching Band I was able to find community within UGA before classes even started my freshman year. I’ll never forget my first day of band camp when I met the 40 other members of the clarinet section. I was so…
Maggie George grew up on the Harry Potter books and “The Little Princess.” Now, through her work with First Book UGA, she’s helping to raise the literacy rate in Athens-Clarke County: “I believe that every kid should have access to books. “It’s heartbreaking when you read about the summer slide that happens when kids don’t have access to books over the summer,” she said. “They come back to school, and they’re just so far behind other kids…

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