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Tags: Human Nature

As UGA continues to celebrate 100 years of coeducation, the Institute for Women's Studies presents a timely and contextual discussion in their Friday Speaker Series on Feb. 1 at 12:20 in MLC 250. This year we celebrate the centennial of UGA officially admitting women, but where did women get an education before that? Undergraduate student Kristen Gragg will talk about her research into the Lucy Cobb Institute, as well as its sometimes…
Franklin faculty and students continue to distinguish the University of Georgia through their scholarship, awards and honors. A sample from the past month: Professor of microbiology Xiaorong Lin been elected to Fellowship in the American Academy of Microbiology.  The Academy, the honorific leadership group within the American Society for Microbiology, recognizes excellence, originality, and leadership in the microbiological…
Franklin College faculty appeared in a wide variety of media over the month of January: New method to classify schizophrenia symptoms should improve care - assistant professor of psychology Gregory Strauss quoted by Psych Central   Scientists could engineer a spicy tomato. Is it worth it? Research by professor of plant biology Esther van der Knaap reported in Popular Science, Tahlequah Daily Press…
 Amma Y. Ghartey-Tagoe Kootin, assistant professor in the department of theatre and film studies, has been selected as a TED Fellow, joining a class of 20 change-makers from around the world to deliver a talk on the TED stage this April in Vancouver: Dr. Amma was selected for her original and hyper-collaborative approach to creating artistic works based on archival research for the stage and screen, including her new musical in…
One of the finest accomplishments a UGA debate team has ever achieved, the team of Swapnil Agrawal and Advait Ramanan won the 2019 Herbert L. James Debates at Dartmouth College, known as the Dartmouth Round Robin debate competition, this past weekend in Hanover, NH. The win bodes well for the Georgia Debate Union's chances of winning a national championship later this spring. The competition included the top 7 debate teams in…
Theatre and English major Ellen Everitt is passionate about learning, acting, creating art and a UGA experience that has set the stage for great things: If money was not a consideration, I would love to … … keep going to school forever and earn 20 Ph.D.s! I’ve always loved learning and I’m sad that someday I’ll have to work extra hard to keep expanding my horizon of knowledge. I would also love to travel the world and spend extended amounts…
The University of Georgia Laboratory of Archeology, established in the late 1940's, marked another important milestone in its distinguished history on January 18 at the celebration of its new location in Athens. Organized within the department of anthropology, the Laboratory provides opportunities for students of varied backgrounds to engage in archaeology and history, serving the intellectual growth of our undergraduate and graduate…
The Franklin College of Arts and Sciences department of psychology will add a new professorship this year in memory of a former Professor Emerita who studied health psychology in older adults and was among the first to document the interconnected challenges confronted by the elderly and their caregivers.   The Gail M. Williamson Distinguished Professorship in Health Psychology will bring a senior researcher to the department who will…
During the fall semester, our Franklin College Student Ambassadors took to their own Instagram account to introduce themselves. We introduced the first half on the chronicles blog last fall and are now happy to introduce you to the rest of these ambitious students. With a wide range of majors and ambitions, these students exemplify the range of opportunities available to students at Franklin College and UGA more broadly. Now, we're…
The Franklin College of Arts and Sciences wishes you a safe, happy and healthy New Year.
This is the 222nd post of 2018 on the Franklin Chronicles, and what an incredible year it has been for UGA's oldest, largest and most academically diverse college. We look back: 17(!) Amazing students [and counting] Eight Focus on the Faculty features And from January though today, a plethora of rich activity that defines the modern academy - groundbreaking scholarship, outreach, research, performance, milestones, new initiatives, books,…
Senior biology major - with a neuroscience emphasis - Katie Irwin found her passion for advancing science through her own work studying neurodegenerative diseases and helping encourage others — especially young girls — to pursue successful careers in STEM fields: During my freshman year, I was able to join Jim Lauderdale’s developmental neuroscience lab in the department of cellular biology. In the lab, I direct my own…
Earlier this semester, during the football bye week, UGA undergraduates took to the Miller Learning Center Reading Room to write. On Saturday, October 20, the Parents Leadership Council sponsored the second annual Undergrad Writing Retreat, a full day of students coming together to start papers, finish papers, revise, edit, and write. The event, coordinated by the Franklin College Writing Intensive Program and the Writing Certificate…
With the undergraduates this morning and graduate students in the afternoon, Stegman coliseum is the setting today for nearly 2,800 new degrees presented to graduates during fall commencement ceremonies: Eleven students will be recognized as First Honor Graduates during the undergraduate exercises for maintaining a 4.0 cumulative GPA in all work attempted at UGA as well as all college-level transfer work prior to or following…
English major, Red & Black staff writer, Franklin College SGA senator, Foundation Fellow, world traveler... what can't Griffin Hamstead do with an A.B. degree? I was thrilled to be chosen for board and used my place as a representative in the Senate to pass legislation providing greater transparency for club dues on the Involvement Network. This program was also invaluable for my professional development and I made many terrific and lasting…
A TED talk by Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Geography and Atmospheric Sciences J. Marshall Shepherd is featured today on, 3 kinds of bias that shape your worldview: What shapes our perceptions (and misperceptions) about science? In an eye-opening talk, meteorologist J. Marshall Shepherd explains how confirmation bias, the Dunning-Kruger effect and cognitive dissonance impact what we…
One of our most valued colleagues, Human Resources senior manager Nakia Wade gets the spotlight in Columns: In a college as large and diverse as Franklin, managing human resources matters can include everything from employee relations to hiring to compensation. But the most important part is being accessible to others and creating a space where issues are heard and discussed, and according to Wade, that means there is no typical day. “We’re…
New research by an international team based at UGA raises questions about the timing and nature of early interactions between Indigenous Peoples and Europeans in North America: The European side of first contact with indigenous people and settlement in northeast North America is well known from European sources. Until now it's been assumed that the finds of dated European artifacts provide a timeline for the indigenous peoples and…
Major new initiatives on STEM education and research lead our kudos for the month of November: Funded by a $3 million National Science Foundation grant, more than 100 UGA faculty members in science, technology, engineering and math will collaborate on a comprehensive research project that seeks to transform STEM education on campus and at research universities nationwide   The University of Georgia launched a new degree…
It has been a very busy semester (so far), and we'll close out the news before Thanksgiving break with a new interdisciplinary degree program for undergraduates: A new degree program from the University of Georgia Franklin College of Arts and Sciences will train undergraduates at the interface of statistics and computer science to meet the rapidly growing demand for data scientists. Data science is a fast-growing area and the…
From media and marketing companies to fine homebuilding, restauranteurs to law firms to systems engineers, Franklin College alumni honors are spread across the 2019 Bulldog 100 list of fastest-growing businesses owned or operated by UGA alumni: The 2019 Bulldog 100 includes businesses of all sizes and from industries such as real estate, dining, technology and retail. Companies are based as far north as New York and as far west as…
The year-old dual degree program that pairs bachelor's and master's degree programs helps students incorporate an expansive vision for career success: For Ammishaddai Grand-Jean, the Double Dawgs program provides an opportunity to deepen his understanding of economic policy so that after graduation he can make a positive impact on communities. Ellen Everitt sees the linked bachelor’s/master’s degree…
Based on the three-movement 1952 John Cage composition "Four minutes, thirty-three seconds," the Spotlight on the Arts festival hosted the fifth-annual competition highlighting scholarly research by UGA students on Nov. 7. Poster and presentation winners were: Bridget Dooley PhD Creative Writing, English. Advisor: LeAnne Howe Her PhD dissertation, Night of the Same Day, documents her research into the extraordinary life and…
The collaboration between Athletic Association Professor in Arts and Sciences Samantha Joye and artist Rebeca Rutstein, the university’s third Delta Visiting Chair for Global Understanding, took center stage at the recent A2RU conference. In conversation with Willson Center director and Franklin Professor Nicholas Allen, they shared how they are working together to shine light on literal darkness during a lecture titled…
Mary Shelley practically invented the horror genre two hundred years ago with "Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus," when she was eighteen years old, relaying her personal tragedy into a horror story for the ages: She didn’t put her name on her book—she published “Frankenstein” anonymously, in 1818, not least out of a concern that she might lose custody of her children—and she didn’t give her monster a name, either. “This anonymous…

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