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Tags: Human Nature

The 155th anniversary of the holiday commemorates the end of slavery in the United States: From its Galveston, Texas origin in 1865, the observance of June 19th as the African American Emancipation Day has spread across the United States and beyond. Today Juneteenth commemorates African American freedom and emphasizes education and achievement. It is a day, a week, and in some areas a month marked with celebrations, guest speakers, picnics…
Board of Regents Chairman Sachin Shailendra and Chancellor Steve Wrigley of the University System of Georgia (USG) have asked an advisory group to review and study the names of buildings and colleges on all USG campuses and report to the Board on any recommended changes. “It is important to the Board of Regents that USG represents the very best of our state and 333,000 students who are working to attain their degrees from our colleges and…
In a gaming experience that takes players into the near future to explore the mysteries of the ocean, “Beyond Blue” is a new video game launched by E-Line Media in conjunction with the BBC and the researchers behind its “Blue Planet II” series. The game allows players to become part of a new research team using groundbreaking technologies to see, hear and interact with the ocean in a meaningful way. University of Georgia Regents’ Professor…
A February panel discussion featured by Write@UGA 2020 and moderated by Cristyn Elder, Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Writing and Director of Writing Across the Curriculum at the University of New Mexico, focused on strengthening the community around writing at UGA. The Writing and Thriving panel featured nine writing leaders from seven schools and colleges across UGA:     Ben Ehlers, Associate Professor of History, Writing…
From Zoom meetings to marathon telephone calls, the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing protocols have effected how workers of every stripe conduct business from home, altering our work environments while we continue our organizations' operations. The effects of the rapid transition to working remotely is the focus of a new research project in the department of psychology: There is not a lot of…
Alumni Career Services in the UGA Career Center is stepping forward to help meet the challenges of the current economic climate, with over 30 career-related programs for alumni. The Alumni Job Search Bootcamp, for example: The University of Georgia now offers a free 4-week course for all UGA alumni to assist them in their job search. Tips and strategies in this course will help alumni understand what employers in today’s market are…
Congratulations to two Art History faculty members in the Lamar Dodd School of Art who recently had books published. Dr. Alisa Luxenberg, Professor of Art History, teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in 18th- and 19th-century European art and the early history of photography. Her recent research has resulted in a volume edited with Reva Wolf: Freemasonry and the Visual Arts from the Eighteenth Century Forward:…
The UGA Mentor Program has already been a great success as so many talented alumni step forward. And with the widest base of expertise and know-how, Franklin College alumni have stepped up enthusiastically to help our students and pay forward the good fortunate that has made them effective leaders in every field. In the Mentor spotlight this week is Christina Carrere, Senior Medicare Program Examiner in the White House Office of Management…
UGA undergraduates, including hundreds of Franklin College majors, shared their research endeavors in a new way this spring during the 2020 Virtual CURO Symposium held April 21-24: After mentoring from faculty members across various UGA colleges, students shared a total of 580 posters and oral presentations using UGA’s eLearning Commons. Student presenters, faculty members and anyone who requested access were able to…
Important new research from the department of psychology about the role of parents in helping teenagers recover from anorexia: University of Georgia psychologists and collaborators at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital have developed supplemental interventions to use in addition to family-based therapy (FBT) to treat teens with anorexia nervosa. FBT is the gold standard treatment for anorexia, but there is a subgroup of families that are…
The UGA Center for Theologically Engaged Anthropology podcast new episode, "Religion in the Age of Social Distancing," examines the rapid religious changes happening in churches due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In a discussion that includes interviews with Derrick Lemons, director of CTEA and associate professor of religion, and Debra Mason, Professor Emeritus at the University of Missouri, host Lily Baldwin looks at how…
For 7,324 UGA students, including 5,958 undergraduates, today is the day. Even the absence of our spring Commencement exercises cannot and should not dampen our joy over the hard-won achievements of this extraordinary group. The unique situation of a quiet campus on Commencement only emphasizes our reverence for completing this monumental journey. Congratulations to all the graduates, their families and loved ones! Stay safe and healthy as…
Stuckey's roadside convenience store chain has been on America's highways since its founding in 1937, today with 70 locations in 17 states. Like so many retail operations, its business has been challenged as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. But led by President and CEO Stephanie Stuckey (AB, '88, JD, '92), Stuckey's is supporting the men and women who drive trucks and keep America - and Stuckey's -…
UGA junior Angela Tsao is working to advance research at the intersection of computer science and sustainability, and her focus has earned her national recognition as a 2020 Udall Scholar: She was one of 55 undergraduates selected from across the nation and U.S. territories for the scholarship, which is awarded to sophomores and juniors on the basis of their commitment to careers in the environment, Native health care or Tribal…
The University of Georgia’s Clinical Psychology Program has made available a mental health guide to provide information and recommendations to members of the UGA and Athens community who are struggling with significant life changes accompanying the COVID-19 pandemic: The spread of the coronavirus throughout the United States and broader world poses a number of significant stressors, each with effects on our mental health and well-being…
New books, service, SEC and Honors Week highlights dominate the recent accolades for Franklin College faculty, postdocs and graduate students. A sample: The Poetry Society of America published  “Someone’s Getting the Best, the Best, the Best of You . . .”  a poem by Ed Pavlić, professor of English and creative writing on poem from and short essay about his new book. The poem is about Prince, on the…
  Richard Morrison, associate professor in the department of chemistry, is one of five University of Georgia faculty members named Josiah Meigs Distinguished Professors for 2020, the university’s highest recognition for instruction at the undergraduate and graduate levels: As director of Organic Chemistry Instruction in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences department of chemistry, Richard Morrison oversees all aspects of…
University of Georgia faculty member Jennifer Palmer has been named a 2020 recipient of an American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship. The ACLS Fellowship program honors scholarship in the humanities and humanistic social sciences with the potential to make significant contributions to knowledge in their fields. The awards range from $40,000 to $75,000 and support six to 12 months of full-time research and writing. Palmer, associate…
Dan Higgins (BFA ’93) and Alissa Eckert (BFA ’04) created the COVID-19 image that people around the world are using to understand the pandemic: [I]n addition to being University of Georgia Franklin College of Arts and Sciences Lamar Dodd School of Art alumni, Dan and Alissa are medical illustrators with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta. Alissa remembers receiving a phone call on a Tuesday in January. A…
A third-year CURO Honors Scholar who is triple majoring in biochemistry and molecular biology, genetics and biology, Landon Clark is among 396 undergraduates across the nation to be recognized as Barry Goldwater Scholars, earning the highest undergraduate award of its type for the fields of the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering: Clark’s long-term plans include pursuing an MD/PhD in…
Tessa Andrews and Jerry Shannon are among three University of Georgia faculty members named recipients of the Richard B. Russell Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, the university’s highest early career teaching honor: “By recognizing early career faculty for exemplary instruction, the University of Georgia communicates the high value it places on creating outstanding learning experiences and outcomes for students,” said S.…
Lillian Eby, a professor of psychology and director of the University of Georgia Owens Institute for Behavioral Research, has been named UGA’s 2020 recipient of the Southeastern Conference Faculty Achievement Award: Eby, a professor in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, is recognized both nationally and internationally for her impact on the field of industrial-organizational psychology, with particular emphases…
More than 100 international social scientists are working together to collect immediate and longitudinal information on the key social science factors that might predict the spread of COVID-19. The project, known as PsyCorona, will pair social and data scientists to connect data across multiple layers—individual survey reports from 10,000-plus participants from more than nine countries, satellite data documenting social distancing, and…
Selection for fellowships, nimble expertise in the confines of social distancing and new books highlight our congratulations to Franklin faculty this month. Well done! The Institute of Bioinformatics Collective Behavior Symposium on March 20 successfully transitioned to a virtual experience for participants on very short notice. The original plan was to host 150 people, but 407 “showed up," said Jonathan Arnold,…
New books, along with perspective and insights on COVID-19, brought the work of Franklin faculty into a variety of media during March. A sample of the coverage and noted expertise: ‘Unworthy Republic’ Takes an Unflinching Look at Indian Removal in the 1830s - new book by Richard B. Russell Professor in American History Claudio Saunt reviewed in the New York Times The Stories That Skewed American Popular Memory of the Civil War,…

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