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Tags: Human Nature

New grants and awards, number one in debate and the unveiling of a portrait of Mary Frances Early headline our kudos for the month of October. Congratulations to faculty, students and alumni on their recent accolades and accomplishments: The U.S. Department of Education awarded $1.7 million in support of the University of Georgia Latin American and Caribbean Studies Institute(LACSI) to expand research, teaching and public service…
Franklin College faculty expertise is regularly featured in media around the world.  A sample from the past month: Report: Georgia justice, prison reforms slowly showing results – assistant professor of sociology Sarah Shannon quoted at CorrectionsOne   Professor looks at science and religion – Davis Enterprise features an October talk by Henry F. Schaefer, Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and…
Terrific opportunities today at every corner of campus (and downtown) to enjoy and engage, learn and discover. The Creative Writing Program presents a reading by Ira Sukrungruang, author of the memoirs Southside Buddhist and Talk Thai: The Adventures of Buddhist Boy, the essay collection Buddha’s Dog and Other Meditations. Tonight at 7 p.m., at Cine, free and open to the public. At 7:30 p.m. in MLC 101, the Institute for Women's…
Millions of years ago, before humans became fully bipedal, ancestral hominins used stones to break bones and nuts, probably while standing upright. A new study from the Primate Cognition and Behavior Lab in the department of psychology published today by the Royal Society journal Proceedings B documents how contemporary bearded capuchin monkeys likewise use stones to break nuts: [B]ecause the fossil record is…
In early September, the Franklin College web services team launched a redesigned primary website for the college, including the Chronicles blog: The Franklin College of Arts and Sciences launched a redesigned website, updating access to information about UGA’s largest college for faculty, students, staff and the public. The redesign of the principal Franklin site was predicated on presenting a cohesive brand experience that flows from…
For associate professor of history Jamie Kreiner, who teaches the history of Christianity and society from Constantine to Luther, the medieval period is full of surprises: [I]t’s weird in ways you wouldn’t expect and very similar to our experiences in ways you wouldn’t expect. And the students who sign up have a great mix of interests. They come to the Middle Ages via “Game of Thrones,” actual gaming, Christianity, Islam, Monty…
Welcome back to all returning alumni and visitors as we celebrate and honor the University of Georgia, its rich history and all the traditions students and alumni hold sacred: The first Homecoming celebration began on Friday evening with a mass meeting of alumni and students, which consisted of spirited speeches from faculty, coaches, members of the team, and visiting alumni.  The rally was followed by an evening of…
Senior Biological science major and African studies minor Omowunmi Oni is confident that she was destined to attend UGA because of the lifelong friendships she has built, great connections and amazing opportunities: These past four years at the University of Georgia has been an amazing experience. Throughout my time here, I have grown tremendously in my personal, academic and professional goals. One of my greatest highlights…
A new podcast series created by 17 senior psychology majors in the Psych 5100 class under the supervision of associate professor Michelle vanDellen and her Motivation and Behavior Laboratory, GoalDiggerz investigates the psychology of goals and self-regulation. Follow us on this journey as we blast expectations, sift through ideas, and uncover nuggets of knowledge. In their first episode, Astronauts to…
  The Georgia Debate Union finished in second place at the season-opening college debate tournament held at Georgia State this past weekend.   The Georgia State tournament typically takes place in mid-September and this year featured 140 teams from around the country, including teams from Harvard, Georgetown, Northwestern, Cornell, Vanderbilt, the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Michigan, among many others…
Franklin College students, faculty and staff began the new academic year with many awards, grants, new books and other distinguished accomplishments. The Georgia Debate Union finished in second place at the season-opening college debate tournament held at Georgia State this past weekend.  The Georgia State tournament featured 140 teams from around the country, including teams from Harvard, Georgetown, Northwestern, Cornell, Vanderbilt…
Does knowledge about severe weather translate into meaningful planning that helps the public protect themselves? A new study authored by University of Georgia researchers demonstrates the effectiveness of weather science and safety education for teachers, their students, and the students’ parents.   Weeklong weather science and safety workshops were conducted over the course of the summers of 2011 and 2012 with 66 teachers of kindergarten…
Hurricane Florence and its highest ever ranking led the headlines for the University of Georgia in September. A sample of faculty and alumni news and widely shared expertise: Project Greenland- Reuters multi-media series following some of the world’s top scientists tackling one of its toughest assignments: Understanding exactly how — and how fast — melting polar ice sheets will make global sea levels rise. Series features Distinguished…
There is perhaps no more-vital component in the Franklin College than our Office of Information Technology. Our colleagues in IT keep us connected to each other and the outside world, providing our students, faculty, researchers and staff the resources required for practically every activity at the university. We asked a group of colleagues in IT leadership in Franklin College to reflect on the centennial of women at UGA in the…
Coeducation at the University of Georgia opened up a variety of fields where opportunities had been few, and over the decades has begun to change how women see themselves and engage their intellectual and career interests. Doctoral candidate Michelle Ziadie shares this thoughtful perspective from a scientist: It wasn't until I started graduate school that I really began to reflect on the challenges I faced as a woman of…
We're seeing, and UGA students are experiencing, great examples of the breadth of expertise in the liberal arts learning environment that is a major research university. With the unfortunately impending hurricane Florence, Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor Marshall Shepherd is responding to media requests around the clock, from around the world. And in his own regular Forbes column, he expanded the discussion of storm-related…
The University of Georgia will soon be home to a new state-of-the-art spectrometer that will benefit researchers across campus and beyond. The instrument, known as an electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer (EPR), is funded by a nearly $350,000 grant through the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) program. “The MRI program serves to increase access to multi-user scientific and engineering instrumentation…
The Franklin College Office of Student Academic Services provides information about the academic requirements and resources of the Franklin College, the University of Georgia, and the University System of Georgia. They foster an environment of trust, responsibility and discovery while encouraging students to develop an appreciation for the enduring value of the liberal arts experience. In the metaphor we often use to liken UGA to a city,…
Finding a proof for a mathematical conjecture – a strong guess illuminating a way forward – has helped shape the course of mathematical history. The mathematics world recently celebrated the achievements of a proof that proved a conjecture partially formulated by UGA faculty member Valery Alexeev. Professor Caucher Birkar of the University of Cambridge was awarded the 2018 Fields medal, widely considered to be an equivalent of a…
A new multi-volume book is widely considered the most comprehensive coverage of the field of Indo-European linguistics in a century: The Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics is a collaborative, three-volume work of 120 scholars from 22 countries. Edited by University of Georgia professor Jared Klein, the book combines the exhaustive coverage of an encyclopedia with the in-depth treatment of individual…
Franklin College faculty and alumni authored and were quoted in dozens of interesting news articles and stories throughout the summer, including some you may have missed: Shades of sharecropping cast shadow over Bluffton restaurant’s solution to staffing crisis  – Charleston Post and Courier quotes B. Phinizy Spalding Professor of Southern History Cindy Hahamovitch Not just seeing: More research sheds light on…
The suitcases are stowed and the buses are packed; the sidewalks and the buildings are full of old friends and new faces because as of this morning, classes are in session. Welcome to the Class of 2022 and all of our returning students. This is the place, and this is how it all began. Fancy pens or number 2 pencils, Grady, Franklin, Terry, Ag, FACS, pharmacy or forestry, best…
August 9 is National Book Lovers day and so an especially good time to share news about the National Endowment for the Humanities Public Scholar program, an annual series of grants designed to promote the publication of scholarly nonfiction books for a general audience. This year’s roster of 22 grant winners, announced August 8, includes associate professor of history Stephen Mihm. Mihm will use the NEH grant to…
The Franklin Residential College, the only student-governed residential college at the University of Georgia, is entering its nineteenth year as faculty and staff gear up to welcome 90 Franklin Residential College (FRC) members to their home in Rutherford Hall. Our incoming transfer student and first-year members are showing their excitement through posts to FRC social media under the hashtags #frcintroduction and #frcnewmembers. We’re…
The thriving Experiential Learning initiative at UGA provides arts & sciences students and faculty members the opportunity to reach higher: While experiential learning has long been part of many of UGA’s pre-professional programs, there was initial concern about the feasibility of ensuring science and humanities majors had a diverse range of opportunities. In STEM disciplines, undergraduate research is the most coveted EL experience.…

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