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Human Nature News from the Chronicles

My colleague Sam Fahmy brings us this story today, from UGA researchers harnessing bacterial immune systems to fight infection and disease: “Scientists study bacteria and other microorganisms to understand essential life processes as well as to improve their use in the safe production of foods,…
Happy Holidays and all the best in 2012 from the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences.
Work by researchers from Franklin College and the Mayo Clinic in Arizona is being widely reported: Researchers from the University of Georgia and the Mayo Clinic in Arizona have developed a vaccine that dramatically reduces tumors in a mouse model that mimics 90 percent of human breast and…
"Surprisingly, the CAR hasn't been widely studied in infants or young children," said psychology doctoral student Melissa Bright, who led the study. "There is consensus that the adult pattern of cortisol response isn't present at birth, but much less is known about when in the first year of life…
UGA news service reports on newly published work by physics and astronomy faculty member, Zhengwei Pan: Materials that emit visible light after being exposed to sunlight are commonplace and can be found in everything from emergency signage to glow-in-the-dark stickers. But until now, scientists…

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