Research, opinion and more put Franklin College faculty and students in print and pixels around the world in November. A sample of the great work by our colleagues:
Chimps and bonobos had flings—and swapped genes—in the past (Distinguished Research Professor of Genetics Michael Arnold) – Science Magazine
When does skepticism become bias in science? Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor Marshall Shepherd in his regular column in Forbes
Do Facts Matter Anymore? Communications Studies professor Edward Panetta quoted extensively in an AJC column
New drug combination has potential to significantly improve chemotherapy success, professor of Cellular Biology Edward Kipreos) – UGA Today
Trump adviser proposes dismantling NASA climate research (Marshall Shepherd) – The Washington Post
US News and World Report article mentions the UGA Post-bac in Classical Languages. Online student Keith Saare and U.S. Army chaplain is quoted
Flood of weather warning terms fuels confusion, Marshall Shepherd in USA Today
UGA's showing of "Jane Eyre" speaks volumes about society – R&B, Flagpole
Post-election markets can predict the economy's course - associate professor of history Stephen Mihm in Bloomberg
Growth in SNAP retailers followed enrollment spike during recession, UGA researchers report - assistant professor of geography Jerry Shannon in UGA Today, Athens CEO
The nation faces vitally important weather challenges as political power transitions (Marshall Shepherd) – Washington Post
Why do some Brazilians want military rule? (Post-Doctoral Associate, history, Bryan Pitts) – Christian Science Monitor
Why eating carrots, kale and sweet potatoes could prevent dementia as you grow older. (Research published by doctoral candidate in the psychology department Cutter Lindbergh and Professor and Director of the Bio-Imaging Research Center Clinical Program Stephen Miller quoted widely) – Daily Mail, UGAToday, Planetsave,, Miami Indian, LatestTechnology
How “Marine Snow” keeps ocean life healthy (Marshall Shepherd) – Forbes
UGA's Laura Courchesne named 2017 Rhodes Scholar – ABH, Washington Post, UGA Today, WSB, NBC, WTOC
NASA researchers speak at UGA about satellite collaboration project – R&B
UGA School of Music hosts students from partner school in Kenya – UGA Today, Global Atlanta
The GOES-R weather satellite launches Saturday: Four reasons it's a game changer (Marshall Shepherd) – Forbes
American Sufi: From Texas to the Taliban, and back -associate professor of religion Alan Godlas quoted in Kashmir Images
New mouse model reveals extensive postnatal brain damage caused by Zika infection - assistant professor of genetics Jianfu Chen quoted in UGA Today, Newswise,
Heat records have become the new normal (Marshall Shepherd) - CBS News
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