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Sandy Beaver Excellence in Teaching Awards

Sandy Beaver Excellence in Teaching Awards

List of previous recipients

The Sandy Beaver Excellence in Teaching Awards annually honor outstanding faculty in the Franklin College who have shown a sustained commitment to high-quality instruction. Full-time faculty of all ranks, but particularly those engaged in undergraduate teaching, are eligible for this prize (with the exception of those who have won the award in the past five years). 

A dossier formatted as a single paginated PDF should be submitted to John Boroski ( by November 6, 2024.

The dossier, not to exceed fifteen pages, shall include a curriculum vitae of one or two pages and materials that attest to the applicant’s accomplishments in teaching, such as:

•    Statement of teaching or self-reflection on teaching
•    A letter from a head, director, or mentor about the applicant's teaching
•    Letters from students, alumni, and/or trained peers about the applicant's teaching (the inclusion of unsigned letters, including e-mails, is not recommended)
•    Evidence of former students’ accomplishments
•    A compilation of numerical data taken from the student evaluations of courses taught during the past three years
•    Selected student comments from teaching evaluations representative of specific learning outcomes
•    Evidence of creativity in the development of new courses and in the preparation of projects (such as Honors theses)


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