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Tags: Human Nature

Udall and Goldwater Scholars, an HBO movie role, and a slew of teaching and research awards highlight the April kudos for Franklin students and faculty: University of Georgia juniors and Honors students Morgan Gibbs (from Peachtree City, majoring in chemistry and minoring in pharmaceutical sciences) and Mallory Harris (from Dunwoody, is pursuing mathematical sciences with a concentration in computational biology) are among 240 students across…
Franklin faculty and students continue to be quoted by and to author articles across worldwide media, including all major print publications. A sample from the past few weeks: Research by Archeology graduate student Sammantha Nicole Holder had her featured in The Guardian (reconstructing the diet of Napoleon's Grand Army) The other side of Confederate Memorial Day (Spalding Distinguished Professor of History, Emeritus James Cobb) – Time Four…
Georgia legislators passed reforms to Georgia’s criminal justice system in 2017, but the complex web of fines, fees, and surcharges embedded in Georgia’s legal code continues to create significant hardship for the state’s poorest citizens. A team of researchers from nine universities including UGA conducted a comprehensive review of monetary sanctions - fines, court fees, restitution, surcharges, and corrections costs - in the criminal justice…
"Rising ocean temperatures are changing the way coastal ecosystems-and probably terrestrial ecosystems, too-process nitrogen," said Hollibaugh, Distinguished Research Professor of Marine Sciences in UGA's Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. "Much of the global nitrogen cycle takes place in the coastal zone." Hollibaugh and researcher Sylvia Schaefer found midsummer peaks in concentrations of nitrite alongside massive increases in numbers of…
"Thunderstorm asthma is a very complex phenomenon and involves interactions of allergens like grass pollens, thunderstorms and susceptible groups of people," said lead author Andrew J. Grundstein, professor of geography in UGA's Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. "Our study may help anticipate significant thunderstorms by employing a technique that helps identify wind magnitudes commonly associated with thunderstorm asthma outbreaks." The…
On the homestretch to commencement, Development and Alumni Relations features on students, faculty and alumni donors highlight some soon-to-graduate students and their extraordinary UGA experiences. Joy Peltier has certainly made the most of her time at UGA: As a recipient of the university’s foremost undergraduate scholarship, the Foundation Fellowship, all of Joy’s ambitions have been realized. Now, as she pursues a joint bachelor’s…
Digital humanities at UGA recently received a boost among faculty when it became eligible for the Study in a Second Discipline fellowship from the Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost. The impetus was largely due, McGinn said, to a push by Roxanne Eberle, an associate professor of English in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. McGinn is currently working with Eberle each week on a project analyzing the…
Graduate assistants working with the Georgia Debate Union Becca Steiner and Clay Stewart were recently recognized by the Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA) as outstanding graduate student coaches. Steiner, a PhD Candidate in Communication Studies from San Diego, California, and Stewart, an MA Candidate in Communication Studies from the Atlanta area, received their awards at the Southeast Cross Examination Debate…
Congratulations to UGA juniors and Honors Program students Morgan Gibbs and Mallory Harris, who are among 240 students across the nation to be recognized as Barry Goldwater Scholars, earning the highest undergraduate award of its type for the fields of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering: Gibbs and Harris are each studying in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. Gibbs, from Peachtree City, is majoring in chemistry and minoring in…
Congratulations to Distinguished Research Professor of Cellular Biology and Barbara and Sanford Orkin/Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar Roberto Docampo, who has been named the University of Georgia's recipient of the 2017 Southeastern Conference Faculty Achievement Award: The award, which is administered by provosts at the 14 universities in the SEC, recognizes professors with outstanding records in teaching and scholarship who…
It's not even Honors Week yet and the accolades for Franklin students, faculty and alumni are already rolling in. A sample of awards, fellowships and scholarly activity from the month of March: UGA Skidaway Institute research paper selected for research spotlight, authored by associate professor of Department of Marine Sciences Aron Stubbins   UGA alumna Patricia Andrews Fearon was one of 36 Americans to be named a 2017 recipient of…
Two Franklin faculty members received major career honors this week, campus-wide and international awards. First, University of Georgia Foundation Distinguished Professor of Chemistry Gregory H. Robinson has been named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry: A nonprofit organization with a heritage that spans 175 years, the Royal Society of Chemistry is the United Kingdom's professional body for chemical scientists and the…
Emory, Harvard and UGA went 1-2-3 at the American Debate Association national championship tournament held recently at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. Nathan Rice (sophomore from Roswell) and Johnnie Stupek (sophomore from Sandy Springs) debated teams from around the country, including victories over the University of Minnesota, Indiana University, and the University of Kentucky. Other schools competing at the tournament include…
Researchers have developed a new way to identify and sort stem cells that may one day allow clinicians to restore vision to people with damaged corneas using the patient's own eye tissue: The cornea is a transparent layer of tissue covering the front of the eye, and its health is maintained by a group of cells called limbal stem cells. But when these cells are damaged by trauma or disease, the cornea loses its ability to self-repair. "Damage to…
Associate professor of biochemistry and molecular biology Paula Lemons conducts research that aims to improve science education across the nation while helping students at UGA develop independence, teamwork and problem solving skills: When did you come to UGA and what brought you here? In 2007, during a transition in my career, I met Peggy Brickman, Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor of Plant Biology, at a conference. She told me…
The Franklin College Writing Intensive Program develops courses to provide students with writing opportunities and instruction beyond the First-year Composition experience aimed at improving the nature and quality of the undergraduate academic experience at UGA. This is accomplished in several ways but one of the most important is facuty-driven input on courses and skills most urgently needed. To that end, the WIP has an open call…
Great news from NASA for students and faculty working diligently to design and build UGA's first satellite: The University of Georgia CubeSat project is among 34 small satellites selected by NASA to fly as auxiliary payloads aboard missions planned to launch in 2018, 2019 and 2020. The UGA project, led by a team of undergraduate students and including faculty from the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Engineering, performs…
Some timely and informative new research from geography faculty and graduate students on aspects of the erratic weather seen recently: Much of the flood-inducing rainfall that has pummeled California over the last month flowed into the region via a river in the sky. But these so-called atmospheric rivers, which transport large quantities of water vapor poleward from the tropics, can wreak havoc in the Southeast as well. University of Georgia…
Congratulations to associate professor of genetics Kelly Dyer, one of three UGA faculty to receive Russell Teaching Awards, the university's highest early career teaching honor: Dyer, who joined UGA's faculty in 2007, uses innovative methods to teach courses in evolution and genetics, allowing students to explore cutting-edge research both in the classroom and laboratory environments. In addition to advising graduate students, while at…
Genetics researchers share a new study that builds on 50 years of theorizing by behavioralists - how parenting changes parents: The study, published this month in Nature Communications, finds that the transition from a non-parenting state to a parenting state reflects differences in neuropeptides generally associated with mating, feeding, aggression and increased social tolerance. Neuropeptides are small proteins that allow neurons in…
The center, which broke ground December 2015, will be adjacent to the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center on Riverbend Road. The proximity between the two centers is aimed to encourage cross-disciplinary interaction between investigators—often a recipe for research success. The center will also be a training ground for graduate and undergraduate students to become the next generation of biomedical scientists. Years in the making, this new…
Winner of a Pulitzer Prize for his 2015 novel The Sympathizer, Viet Thanh Nguyen will visit UGA for a Feb. 13 talk as part of the Signature Lecture series and the Willson Center’s Global Georgia Initiative speaker series. Nguyen’s Feb. 13 Global Georgia talk is presented as the department of comparative literature’s annual Betty Jean Craige Lecture.  Born in Ban Me Thuot, Viet Nam in 1971, Nguyen and his family came to…
An international collaboration dedicated to outreach activities aimed at encouraging participation of women and underrepresented groups in archaeological, geological, and palaeontological science, Trowelblazers has convened and participated in panels discussing women in science at the Royal Society and the London Feminist Conference, and a wide variety of events and activities including the Cambridge Science Festival, Skeptics in…
The top finish at the Naval Academy represents the fourth tournament victory by the Georgia Debate Union in 2016-2017, following wins at Samford University, Liberty University, and the University of Miami. Image: Nathan Rice, left, and Johnnie Stupek. Photo courtesy of Hays Watson  
Assistant professor Andrea Sweigart is among 102 scientists announced as recipients of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, or PECASE, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on scientists and engineers in the early stages of their research careers: Established in 1996 by President Bill Clinton, awardees are selected for their pursuit of innovative research at the frontiers of science and technology and…

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