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Tags: Earth

The platform you can take with you, that so many people enjoy, is also very useful for learning about leading researchers and research topics of wide interest. New episodes of two podcasts each feature Franklin College faculty discussing their work, shedding light, and sharing their expertise. In a new episode of People, Parasites, & Plagues, the jhosts interview Dr. Xiaorong Lin, a distinguished professor of medical mycology at the…
Recent discoveries in the field of epigenetics, the study of inheritance of traits that occur without changing the DNA sequence, have shown that chronological age in mammals correlates with epigenetic changes that accumulate during the lifetime of an individual. In humans, this observation has led to the development of epigenetic clocks, which are now extensively used as biomarkers of aging. While these clocks work accurately from birth until…
Thriving students, faculty and staff of the Franklin College pushes UGA to ever-greater heights, A few of the awards and shoutoutds we celebrated during September: University of Georgia professor J. Marshall Shepherd was npresented with the prestigious 2023 Environmental Achievement Award by the Environmental Law Institute 2023 University Professor Jean Martin-Williams, associate dean in the Franklin College, and 2023 Regents Professor Michael…
From storms to smart phones to... what happened to the Southern accent? Research from Franklin College faculty and graduate students was widely reported during September. A sample of the stories and media pick from across the globe: Scientists are asked if humans have broken the Earth’s climate – Marshall Shepherd, Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor od Geography, quoted by CleanTechnica, The Extinction Chronicles  Does…
University of Georgia professor J. Marshall Shepherd was recently named the recipient of the prestigious 2023 Environmental Achievement Award. This accolade is presented annually by the Environmental Law Institute to individuals or organizations that have made notable contributions to environmental protection, conservation and sustainability. “Dr. Shepherd’s outstanding career and commitment to understanding and communicating about climate…
Chintan Maniyar, a Ph.D. student in the department of geography, received a NASA early career fellowship, the NASA Earth Science Division announced in August. Known as the Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINNEST), the $150,000 fellowship, the program accepts proposals for graduate student-designed research projects that contribute to Science Mission Directorate’s science, technology, and exploration goals.…
New research from UGA plant scientists describe how CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology has a significant role to play in developing sustainable agriculture. The study and illustrations are featured on the cover of the August issue of the CRISPR Journal, which details how recent studies in the deployment of genome editing in trees are opening new avenues for sustainable forestry: The widespread success of CRISPR medicines in the clinic is…
Our new video introducing Dean Anna Stenport features a score composed and produced by Jacob Evarts, a media composition major in the Hugh Hodgson School of Music. The music helps create an elevated tone for the video and is another example of innovative experiential learning opportunities in the Franklin College. "Jacob already had a piece performed by the Orlando Symphony in 2022, called "Wonder of the World" as part of a program called "The…
Imitating the astonishing energy efficiency phenomena of the human brain presents the next challenge in high-speed computing. Potential solutions might combine new quantum functionality that arise from nano-scale complex materials to replicate brain-like performance, or neuromorphic computing. Yohannes Abate, Susan Dasher and Charles Dasher MD Professor of Physics in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences department of physics and…
The University of Georgia Alumni Association unveiled the 40 Under 40 Class of 2023 – including 13 Franklin College alumni. The program celebrates the personal, professional and philanthropic achievements of successful UGA graduates under the age of 40. The honorees will be recognized during the 13th annual 40 Under 40 Awards Luncheon Sept. 22 in the Tate Student Center on campus. Congratulations to the 40 Under 40 Class of 2023! Franklin…
Book awards, new grants, fellowships, and excellence in musical performance headline the outstanding accolades of Franklin College faculty and students over the summer. A sample of the good news from over the summer break – congratulations all: Anna Westerstahl Stenport became the 17th dean of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences on June 1 UGA appointed Gagan Agrawal, professor and associate dean for research and graduate studies in…
For Franklin College faculty across campus, 2023 was a summer 'on' for writing in and commenting for media reports from around the world. Expert insights and new research findings were widely covered in a variety of broadcast, digital, and print media. A sample from our tireless colleagues: Eating carrots (and other veggies) really does improve your eyesight, study says – research study led by Jack Harth, a doctoral candidate in the College…
We welcome all of our new and returning students back to campus today, with special focus on the 6,200-strong first-year class: The incoming class includes students from 470 Georgia high schools, 143 Georgia counties, 45 states and 14 nations. Approximately 81% of the first-year students are Georgia residents. Overall, 84.5% of UGA’s undergraduate student body are Georgia residents, a percentage of in-state students far above that of many other…
Creative Writing Program doctoral student Holly Haworth is among the winners of the prestigious 2023 Robert B. Silvers Foundation grant for her book-in-progress. The Robert B. Silvers Foundation is a charitable trust established at the bequest of the late Robert B. Silvers, a founding editor of The New York Review of Books, with the aim of supporting writers in the fields of long-form literary and art criticism, the intellectual essay,…
Five University of Georgia early-career faculty – three from Franklin College units – have been recognized in 2023 by the National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER), which rewards faculty who have the potential to serve as leaders in the advancement of research and education:   UGA’s newest awardees include Akram Alishahi (Department of Mathematics), Amanda Frossard (Department of…
University of Georgia student Shania Green has been awarded the Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The Hollings Scholarship Program is designed to increase undergraduate training in oceanic and atmospheric sciences. The scholarship provides two years of financial support, a 10-week, full-time paid summer internship to any NOAA facility nationwide, and support to…
Jet streams are relatively narrow bands of strong wind in the upper atmosphere, typically occurring around 30,000 feet in elevation, that blow from west to east. The normal westerly flow leads to week-to-week variations in the weather, modulated in the mid-latitudes by ridges and troughs in the jet stream. The influence of a high-pressure ridge, for example, produces clear, warmer weather conditions; a trough in the jet stream is typically…
"Any understanding of the world must begin at home--or end there." --Siegfried Lenz, The Heritage, 1981. Faculty members at the University of Georgia have partnered with Sandy Creek Nature Center to create a field school to teach students in a hands-on environment.  “We wanted to establish a class that offers hands-on field experience to teach archaeological methods to students,” said Attila Gyucha, assistant professor in…
Let the Chapel bell ring, today is the day! The University of Georgia welcomes its newest alumni on May 12 as 6,008 undergraduates have met requirements to participate in the university’s spring Commencement ceremonies. Congratulations to the 1,665 graduate students—a total of 7,673—who had their Commencement ceremonies yesterday. Welcome to the many family members and friends visiting campus this week.  The undergraduate ceremony is…
The Center for Bioenergy Innovation (CBI), a multi-institutional initiative based at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and co-led by University of Georgia researchers, has been renewed by the U.S. Department of Energy as one of four bioenergy research centers across the nation that advance robust, economical production of plant-based fuels and chemicals. According to its announcement, DOE will provide $590…
The Pantheon Website Operations Platform followed up its celebration of the Franklin College Office of Information Technology's Web Services Team with a feature on the Team's work exploring new projects – including digitizing enormous collections of specimens and artifacts in UGA collections:   The Web Services team has embarked on an exciting journey: seeking to digitize all of the collections housed within the Georgia Museum of…
Weather and climate, baseball, ghosting, and Tupperware were some of the subjects Franklin faculty colleagues discussed and wrote about over the course of April. A sample of the many news stories and research reporting that appeared in media around the world:   The U.S. leads the world in weather catastrophes. Here’s why – Marshall Shepherd, Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor, quoted widely by AP News, …
More than a year in the making, a new lecture series featuring University of Georgia faculty member Suzanne Pilaar Birch "Early Humans: Ice, Stone, and Survival" is now streaming on Wondrium. The 20-episode series tells the story of humanity's journey from our earliest origins in Africa to the emergence of agriculture, examines the role of climate and environmental change in driving these transitions, and how archaeological science is helping us…
A University of Georgia research team has confirmed evidence of a previously unknown planet outside of our solar system, and they used machine learning tools to detect it. A recent study by the team showed that machine learning can correctly determine if an exoplanet is present by looking in protoplanetary disks, the gas around newly formed stars. The newly published findings represent a first step toward using machine learning to…
The UGA Office of Sustainability has a strong impact on our Campus – and not just for Earth Day, but definitely that, too. From the Composting Program in our buildings to Bulldog Bike share to the many initiatives that advance sustainability on campus and in the community, developing student leaders on and around the issue of environmental sustainability is crucial for today as well critical for tomorrow. In that vein, UGA’s Green Lab…

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